Monday, June 30, 2008

The beginning...

Okay, here goes...I have always wanted a blog so that I can gripe on things I don't like, pontificate on things I do, and generally feel like I am part of the "in" crowd. I do not have MySpace or Facebook pages so I am not that cool, but hopefully a blog will elevate my status with my immediate family (wife, daughter, and son).

The immediate driver for me to start a blog is that I will be traveling to Chennai, India on business in two days (July 2), and I would like to chronicle this adventure. After that trip, hopefully I will continue to have interest in blogging. If not, then this blog will be short-lived and will only concentrate on Chennai.

I look forward to your feedback since this will motivate me to continue.


IT Manager said...

The trip over to India should be very relaxing since the sound will be reduced, affording you some restful sleep. ;)

Princess said...

Ok, now I have the vision of you in a speedo.. I guess that Kim and I will just have to have margaritas so that I can erase the image from my brain..Be safe, as always you will be in my prayers.

IT Manager said...

Speedo? Who are you commenting on?

Anonymous said...

Your profile picture made me giggle. Enough said.