Monday, July 7, 2008

First day in Chennai

Yesterday, Sunday, we decided to venture out. It was a hot, steamy day at 9am but no worse than San Antonio in the early afternoon of summer. So by Chennai standards, it was cool.

We went to St Thomas's tomb. This was Christ's apostle who is known as "Doubting" Thomas. He came to Chennai in 52 AD and died here in 72 AD. His remains were buried here, and at some point afterwards, a church was built on top of the tomb. The church that I visited is not the original church but one that is about 110 years old. It is a beautiful church: the building is all white with large spires on top. It has a very traditional look inside with stained glass, long wooden pews, and arched windows. I went to Mass there and although there is no air conditioning in the building, it was not unbearably uncomfortable. There were ceiling fans overhead and oscillating fans in front. It was a very traditional Mass. Believe it or not, I was able to understand the priest's homily easily; his English was very understandable because he did not have a strong accent. During the Mass, the choir even sang "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High". When the collection plate came around, I dropped 2 Rupees in it. Later I realized that I was very stingy: 2 Rupees is about 10 cents. Next week, I will have to be a little more generous. Another interesting sight: during the sign of peace, Americans shake the hands of those around them. Indians put their hands together as if they are praying, and bow to those around them.

There is a museum entrance behind the church that allows the visitor to visit the tomb. You enter the museum, and go downstairs to a lower level and walk down a hallway which takes you under the church. At the end of the hallway, there is a small chapel with St Thomas remains. The remains are buried. What I was able to see was the dirt that covers the tomb. This is covered with glass, so you can see the dirt but not actually touch it. Regardless, many people knelt down and put their hands on the glass and said a prayer in silence.

After visiting St Thomas tomb, we went to another location in the city called St Thomas Mount. It is actually a hill that is higher than the rest of the city but I wouldn't consider it a mountain. Anyway, legend has it that St Thomas built a cross out of wood. The cross was somehow lost in this area for many years. During later excavations, it was found and put on display. At this point, it began to "bleed" real blood from near the base. It bled for over 20 years. The original cross is no longer there but there is a replica cross on the same spot, and a church nearby.

As in the evening when we arrived in Chennai, the traffic was bad. Only now in the daytime, I could see it much better. Cars, buses, three-wheelers used as taxis, motorcycles, bicycles, people, and animals all share the road and do it amazingly well. And I did not see any accidents. Our driver told us that traffic was light because it was Sunday.

We have a driver or drivers that take us every where we go. These drivers are provided by the Indian contracting company that does business with my company. My company strictly forbids its employees from taking any kind of public transportation in India. Based on the traffic habits I've seen, I will definitely adhere to that requirement.


IT Manager said...

Fascinating reading. I can't wait for some pics to see the local surroundings.

How does it compare to Mexico City, which I was glad to go to last year but very glad to return to the States.

And how would you compare your hotel room to US standards?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Larry, sorry this is my first entry, but you know my work schedule. I have been following you the best I can. Blog looks GREAT. As for what I have read, I think I can help you with one of those foods you tried. I beleive the fruit was called LEECHIE or LEAKIE fruit or something like that. I tried some at a resturant here in the states one time. Again keep it coming and it looks great. Randy

Larry Bock said...

I am having a little trouble with the posting of pictures. I do not have a laptop so I depend on the hotel computer for internet access. The hotel computer has been locked down in such a way that you cannot "see" devices that have been connected to the USB port. So i can't "see" the camera to download pictures.

Downloading software is also not allowed. So I can't load the Flickr software to upload pictures. And I can't detect the camera anyway.

There is a guy traveling with us who has a laptop that I may be able to use. I want to post pictures soon so you can get the real experience.

The Asiana Hotel is nice but I was spoiled with the luxury Ritz Carlton Hotel in Singapore. I think the Asiana would rate with a nice Marriot hotel. What humbles me is that the hotel is very nice but it is surrounded by poverty. And if you read the blog, you know that there are many animals roaming around too. They don't get onto the hotel property because of the guards stationed at the hotel entrances. But to me, the hotel is a luxury island in a sea of despair. Disheartening...

I think the some of the worst areas in Mexico City would be considered middle class next to some of the poorer areas in Chennai.

Anonymous said...

I thought St. Thomas's tomb was in Israel (the Talpoit Tomb). I suppose all tombs and dates of Jesus' disciples are alleged tombs and dates. :) (Churches are a lot more popular if they are allegedly built on the top of famous saints.)

How cool to go to mass in India! That's what's so cool about Catholicism - it truly is universal.

In our funky little Methodist Church - a lot of people do the namaste (hands together and a quick bow) to one another instead of shaking hands. I think that's just the eastern way. The peace in me greets the peace in you - which is also exactly what the Jewish "Shalom" means.

I love reading your blog. It's so cool! I'm off to find out what I can about St. Thomas's travels, now. :) Very interesting!