Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back on the Road Again!

Today is my last day in Chennai. It has been a productive trip, both from a work and pleasure standpoint.

For work, there were several things I wanted to accomplish on my trip. I accomplished each item and even completed a few more. My bosses should be happy.

From a pleasure standpoint, I have learned more about the Indian culture. I am always fascinated by other cultures, and this one is no exception. I learned about Independence Day; I learned about several other regional and national festivals; I learned about Indian pride; and I learned that the Indian is very tolerant of other cultures. The customs and lifestyle are so different from what I am used to, yet they are so appropriate for this country.

I hope to have the opportunity to visit this country again. I also would like my wife to visit with me so that she can experience with me the wonderment of this country.

Until next time...

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